Our Expertise
A hip labral tear involves damage to the labrum, the ring of cartilage that follows the outside rim of the hip joint socket. This injury can result from trauma, repetitive hip motions, or structural abnormalities, leading to pain, clicking or locking sensations, and decreased range of motion in the hip.
- Personalized care tailored to each patient’s unique condition and lifestyle.
- Advanced diagnostic techniques and imaging studies to accurately assess the extent of the labral damage.
- Minimally invasive surgical procedures, when necessary, to promote faster recovery and minimize post-operative discomfort.

At Arthrogenix, our approach to treating hip labral tears is personalized and multifaceted. For mild to moderate tears, non-surgical treatments may be recommended, including rest, anti-inflammatory medications, physical therapy to strengthen the surrounding muscles, and injections for pain relief. In cases where symptoms persist or the tear is severe, arthroscopic surgery may be necessary to repair or remove the damaged labrum and improve hip function.