Our Expertise
A knee MPFL (medial patellofemoral ligament)/MCL (medial collateral ligament)/LCL (lateral collateral ligament) injury involves damage to the ligaments supporting the knee joint. These injuries often result from sudden twisting motions or direct impact, leading to pain, swelling, and instability in the knee.MPFL/MCL/LCL injuries vary in severity, from minor sprains to complete tears, and can significantly impact an individual's ability to bear weight and move the knee.
- Personalized care tailored to each patient's unique condition and needs.
- Advanced diagnostic techniques and imaging studies to accurately assess the extent of the ligament injury.
- Minimally invasive surgical procedures, when necessary, to promote faster recovery and minimize post-operative discomfort.

Don't let knee pain hinder you. Our specialized care encompasses various knee injuries for treatment.

At Arthrogenix, our approach to treating MPFL/MCL/LCL injuries involves personalized care and advanced treatment techniques. For mild to moderate injuries, non-surgical methods such as rest, physical therapy, and bracing may be recommended to promote healing and strengthen the knee. In cases of severe tears or persistent symptoms, surgical reconstruction of the ligaments may be necessary to restore stability and function to the knee joint.